My desire to take part in the May 1st #Pigford Day has more to do with my feelings about the African American community than it does fitting in with the the conservative blogosphere for the greater good.
My family immigrated here. I am a white female, a nordic blend of several nations in Europe including Germany and England. I am a fifth generation American. No one in my family has discriminated against African Americans. No one in my family enslaved them or owned a slave. No one in my family held a black back from their dreams, legal ones. Yet as soon as President Obama was elected I was called a racist for defending Sarah Palin, for stating I believed climate change wasn’t man-made, for stating just about every conservative principle I held and for merely being white.
Every slave in the United States became officially free by the end of 1865, an enslavement due to African Islamist slave traders[1]. Blacks have had over 147 years to basically get over it and make something of themselves and many have. But just as many crutch on the belief that “The Man” held them back so far that the only way to survive is either on welfare, a life of crime or both. Sure many faced discrimination over the years, but we all have obstacles to overcome in our lives. Furthermore there are so many laws that on the books that try and compensate for things that have happened so long ago, because of “White Man’s Guilt”, attorneys that abuse the system, the influence of the media’s skewed view of reality.
With that said, Pigford is a class action lawsuit against the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Pigford v. Glickman (1999), alleging racial discrimination against black farmers in allocating farm loans and assistance between 1983 and 1997. Of course all this type of information can be found on the most “trusted” source on the internet – wiki[2]
The USDA is required to pay out $50,000 to farmers that have been discriminated against. One of the problems is there are only 39,697 African-American farmers grand total in the entire country. So far 86,000 have of them claim discrimination at the hands of the USDA? Where did the other 46,303 come from? Clearly this is massive fraud based on a poorly written and enforced judgement.[3]
Pigford has another case that involves Shirley Sherrod, which is at the very least a semi-scam if not full one. Internet searches can provide more information, but a good place to start is a FreeRepublic blog titled “Shirley Sherrod and the Pigford Settlement semi-scam”[4]. As usual, it would seem the higher you are in government the more perks you get like scamming the government for millions while getting promoted using the race card, because the race card is a sure win! It’s old, but effective.
Let’s face facts, this money is gone. The government will never recoup the money given to fraudulent recipients, because it’s spent. So what can be done to avoid this in the future? Unfortunately this goes back to judges educated in schools that basically indoctrinated them on principles that will destroy this country. This began in the early 1900s. A good place to begin to get a feel for this, is view my blog on Communism[5].
Another great place to find out how this happened is to really delve into what the KGB did in the early 1960s to try and take down America. I have a playlist on YouTube by an ex-KGB agent, Yuri Bezmenov that tells the entire story.[6] In one of the videos called, “Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete)” Yuri claimed that something immaterial like a belief in God or Jesus Christ can move a nation and help it survive. But as soon as we turn to 2+2=4 as a guiding principle, we die.
The beginning of a solution to our government and Pigfords’ problems may very well lie on returning to the Judeo-Christian principles our country was founded on. And the faster we can get back to them, the better it will be for us all.
[1] “Political Islam.” Political Islam. N.p., Web. 21 Dec. 2012. <[1]>
[2] “Pigford v. Glickman.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Web. 21 May 2014. <[2]>
[3] Zombie. “Pigford v. Glickman: 86,000 Claims from 39,697 Total Farmers?” PJ Media. PJ Media, 27 July 2010. Web. 1 May 2014. <[3]>
[4] W., Dennis. “Shirley Sherrod and the Pigford Settlement Semi-scam.” Free Republic. N.p., 29 July 2009. Web. 15 June 2014. <[4]>
[5] “FREEDOM IN AMERICA (The Original).” FREEDOM IN AMERICA The Original., 12 May 2012. Web. 15 June 2014. <[5]>
[6] “Subverting a Nation.” YouTube. YouTube, 2013. Web. 15 June 2014. <[6]>